I read a MarketWatch article by Bill Bischoff with tax tips that could possibly save you money if you pay Medicare Premiums and you itemize your taxes. Of course, always check with your accountant first!
Before you get too excited please keep in mind that because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act greatly increased the standard deduction amounts for 2018-2025, fewer individuals will be itemizing. However having significant medical expenses (including those for Medicare health insurance premiums) may allow you to itemize and collect some tax savings.
Click on web link below to read the entire article:
Note: Medicare Insurance information can be overwhelming and confusing to many people. As an independent licensed agent I can explain things to you in simple terms so you feel comfortable making a decision. Then I can help you choose and enroll in a plan that you feel fits your needs.
By the way, it doesn’t cost you any more if you enroll in a Medicare Insurance plan through me as an independent agent versus directly with an insurance company either over the phone or via the Internet, since I get paid by the insurance companies for your enrollment. Plus you will have personalized service by a local agent. If you would like my assistance, please call me at 941-404-5334.
By calling this number, I understand I will be directed to a licensed insurance sales agent.